Question: In a recent survey asking people what makes them happy, this was the #1 answer. What is it?
Answer: Fast Wi-Fi!
Does fast Wi-Fi make you happy? Is it the #1 thing that makes you happy? It’s funny how something like fast Wi-Fi can make people happy, and how slow Wi-Fi can make people mad. When things don’t work the way we expect, we don’t get what we want, people frustrate or disagree with us, we can find ourselves getting angry pretty quick.
Anger is one of those things in our culture that seems really easy to come by. It feels like everyone is just on the edge of outrage at times. Did you know that God cares about our emotional lives? Anger is one of the emotions He cares a lot about. That’s what our good friend Karl Wheeler talks about today. We’re so excited to have Karl back, bringing us a sermon called “Anger Danger.”