Question: According to a recent survey, the average parents do this twice a week. What is it?

Answer: Call their parents for guidance!

The truth is you don’t have to be a parent to need the guidance of your parents. Do you call your parents or mentor when you need advice? What kinds of things have you needed advice for?

Something the Lord build into us is the need for others to help us navigate life. We don’t automatically know or pass on important information or skills. More often than not, it takes intentionality and effort. It’s nice when we learn things like how to change our oil, how to cook, or do the laundry from mentors and parents. Those are good life skills to have.

But when it comes to our faith, and knowing Jesus, it’s literally a matter of life and death. All throughout scripture there is a call to pass on what you know and have experienced in your relationship with Jesus to the next generation. That’s the subject of today’s sermon. We’re in for a treat because our good friend, pastor Mike Sares, brings a message called “Passing the Faith on to the Next Generation.”