Question: According to one report, men consume over 80% of this product. What is it?
Answer: Potato chips!
Dang! Why do guys like potato chips so much? According to another study it was found that consumers in the United States eat 2-4 billon potato chips a year. About 12 million pounds (5.5 million kg) of potato chips are eaten on Super Bowl Sunday alone.
Chips are good for a party, but the best parties thrown in heaven are thrown for even one person who comes to know the love and life that Jesus came to give. And Jesus invites us to bring people to the party! That’s the kind of church we want to be. It’s what Jesus calls us to, and it’s part of our mission statement. Today Pastor Jill brings us a sermon called “The Church on Mission.” It’s the next in our series “The Kingdom of God is a Party.”
Video clip from The Chosen: