Question: In 1953, the average cost of one of these was under $500. Today, the average one of these costs $31,000. What is it?
Answer: A wedding!
In 1950s dollars that was about $6,000 today. Dang! People spend roughly 5 times as much on weddings today vs 50 years ago. When we celebrate large milestones like marriage, birthdays, or graduations, we tend to spend a lot.
That might seem a little crazy to people on the outside but parties by definition are wasteful. Or at least they seem that way. When Jesus walked this earth, He did things that the religious rulers thought were crazy and beyond extravagant, like eating with sinners and tax collectors.
That’s the subject of todays sermon from Pastor Jill. We are beginning a series on our mission statement, and revisiting why we call ourselves the party church.
Video clip from The Chosen: