Question: Today is Game Day, and everyone’s ready to watch the game and eat tons of snacks.  Can you name the top 5 snacks people will consume during the Super Bowl?
#5:  Nachos
#4:  Potato Chips
#3:  Guacamole
#2:  Queso Dip
#1:  Chicken Wings
Is your favorite Super Bowl Snack on the list?  More than just favorite snacks or favorite teams, some of us have favorite people and favorite stories in the Bible.  This morning, we’ll get to know a hero in Scripture, who started out as religious extremist and who was feared by everyone. We’ll see how Jesus transformed him, including his name, into a man of grace and truth.  This morning, Pastor Jill brings us this life-changing story in a message called “When Grace Surprises Us.”
Bible Project Video shown in service: